In previous lessons, we learned about:
☁️ The different cases of nouns and verbs and why it's important to know them. Learn more here.
☁️ We explored the الجَرّ through lessons on حُرُوفُ الجَرّ prepositions and the construction الإضافة
☁️ We covered the النَّصْب for nouns in the topic of المفعول به
☁️ We learned about the النَّصْب and the الجَزْم for verbs. Learn more here.
A fundamental concept in Arabic grammar is the study of noun cases and verb moods.
Arabic grammar is essentially a discussion of how different rules change the case of a noun or the mood of a verb.
الـرَفْعُ الـجَرُّ الـنَصْبُ الـجَزْم
The case of a word can generally be understood by its final letter.
The الرَفْع applies to both nouns and present tense verbs. For example:
يأكُــلُ مُـحَمَّــدٌ Muhammad eats
If nothing affects a verb or a noun, they are by default in the الرفع.
The النَّصْب applies to both nouns and present tense verbs. For example:
أَكَلْتُ الـلَّحْــمَ I ate the meat
Since the word اللَّحْمَ is المَفْعُول بِه, it is in the النَّصْب
الـمُدِيرُ لَنْ يُـقْبَــلَ هذه الوَثِيقَــةَ The director will not accept this document
The verb يَقبلَ is in the النَّصْب because of the particle لن, and the noun الوَثِيقَــةَ is in the النَّصْب because it is المَفْعُول بِه.
The الجَرّ applies only to nouns, for example:
جَلَسْتُ في الـحَدِيقَــةِ I sat in the garden
In the example above, the word الحَديقةِ is in the الـجَرّ because it is preceded by حَرْفُ الجَرّ
The الجزم applies only to verbs, for example:
لَـمْ أَنْــدَمْ على شَيْءٍ I do not regret anything
The verb أندمْ is in the الـجَزْمُ because of the influence of the particle لم.
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