Idafah is a noun construction that expresses the relationship of possession or belonging between two nouns.
حَاسُوبُ خَالِــدٍ Khalid's computer
The construction of idafah (الِإضَافَة) consists of two parts:
قَـلَــمُ التِّـلْـمِيــذِ The student's pen
قَـلَــمُ تِلْمِيذٍ عَلى الـمَكْتَبِ A student's pen on the desk
قَـرَأَ مِن كِـتَابِ الطَّالِبِ He read from the student's book
رَأَى كِـتَابَ الطّالبِ He saw the student's book
دَفْـتَـرُ طَالِــبٍ A student's notebook
دَفْـتَـرُ الطَالِــبِ The student's notebook
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