What you need to know before learning verbs

The Arabic verb is one of the three parts of speech (أَنْوَاعُ الكَلَامِ). It often combines with pronouns and also forms derivatives (الـمُشْتَقَات).

Derivatives (الـمُشْتَقَات) are words such as "the active participle" (اِسْمُ الفَاعِل), "the passive participle" (اِسْمُ المَفْعُول), and many others.

In the next lessons we will study derivatives

The letters فَـــ ــعــ ـــلَ

Arabic verbs follow patterns. These patterns are represented by the letters فَـــ ــعــ ـــلَ, for example:

كَتَـبَ ⬅ فَـعَلَشَرِبَ ⬅ فَـعِلَ

What to pay attention to when working with verbs

When working with Arabic verbs, it's important to identify their root

📚 Example

كَـتَـبْتُ I wrote
  1. the root is كَــ تَ بَ
  2. the letter تُ (I) is the attached pronoun (الضمير المتصل). This is not related to the root

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