In Arabic grammar, followers (التَّوَابِع) refers to a group of grammatical constructs that share the concept of following.
* The word "follow" here means: taking the same: grammatical case, state of definiteness, gender, number
Conjunction (العَـطْـف) is the connection between the conjoined element (المَعْطُوف) and the element it is conjoined to (المَعْطُوف عليه), using one of the conjunction particles حُرُوفُ العَطْف between them.
The المَعْطُوف follows the المَعْطُوفُ عليه in its grammatical case (الإعراب).
أتى مُـحَمَّــدٌ ثُمَّ حامــدٌ Muhammad came, then Hamid
أكـلتُ التُّفاحَ والـمَـوزَ I ate the apple and the banana
Emphasis (التَّأْكِيد) is a construction or word that strengthens the meaning of something. It can be done in two ways:
اِنْتَبِهْ! اِنْتَبِهْ! السَّيَارَةُ تَـمُرُّ Attention! Attention! The car is passing
أكَلْتُ السَّمَكَةَ كُلَّــها I ate the entire fish
An adjective (الصّفة, النّعت) is a word that is used to describe something, providing additional information about it.
الطِّفْلُ الـمُـهَذَّبُ مـَحْبُوبٌ The polite child is loved
We covered the construction of an adjective (الضفة) in detail in one of the previous lessons
Apposition (البدل) is a word that comes to clarify something, providing additional information. It is called this because it can completely replace the word that comes before it.
جَاء الـمُديرُ حَامِدٌ The director, Hamid, came
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