In Arabic, the adjective (الصِّفَة) is a word that describes something, like a person or place, and provides additional information.
The word المَوْصُوف refers to the noun that is being described by an adjective
This means that if the described noun is singular, the adjective must also be singular; and if the described noun is plural, the adjective must also be plural and so on.
هذا الرَّجُلُ الطَّوِيلُ مُعَلِّمٌ This tall man is a teacher
هذه الـمَرْأَةُ القَصِيرَةُ أُخْتِـي This short woman is my sister
As you might have guessed, النَّعْت is the same as الصِّفَة, and المَنْعُوت is the same as المَوْصُوفُ. Both terms can be used interchangeably
القَطُّ الصَّغِـيـرُ لَطِيفٌ Little cat is cute
الـهَاتِفُ الـجَديدُ فِي السَّيَارَةِ New phone in the car
رَأَيْتُ حُـلْـمًا جَـمِيلاً I had a beautiful dream
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