Plural nouns refer to more than three things. In this section, we will explore the concept of plural nouns and their usage with حروف الجر and الإضافة and other

Practice الجَمْع

Practice of the three types of Arabic plural forms: regular plural for masculine and feminine nouns, معلمون and معلمات, and broken plural, such as تلاميذ

Inanimate nouns (غَيْرُ العَاقِل)

Practice inanimate nouns. Grammaticaly, plural of inanimate nouns perceived as singular feminine nouns. For example هذه الطيور

Examples الجمع and أسماء الإشارة

Examples of using plural (الجَمْعُ) with demonstrative pronouns (أَسْمَاءُ الِإشَارَة) in Arabic for example: أُولَائِكَ مُـهَنْدِسُــونَ

Examples الجمع and الضَّمَائِر

Examples plural (الجمع) and the pronouns (الضَّمَائِر) for example: هُمْ عُلَمَاءُ الـجَامِعَةِ They are university scholars

Practice الجَمْع and الضَّمَائِر

Practice plural (الجَمْع) in Arabic language and pronouns (الضَّمَائِر), for example أَنْتُمْ صِغَارٌ - you are young.

Practice جَمْعُ الْمُذَكّر السالم and حُرُوفُ الجَرِّ

Practice جَمْعُ الْمُذَكّر السالم and حُرُوفُ الجَرِّ. When one of the حرف الجرّ comes to the Sound Masculine Plural, then ـون changes to ــين

Template فَعِيلٌ - فِعَالٌ

In this practice lesson we will learn about template فَعِيلٌ - فِعَالٌ, for example طِيفٌ - لِطَافٌ small or طَوِيلٌ - طِوَالٌ

Grammar Flashcards

Concise arabic grammar notes from the covered section to facilitate note-taking. The notes summarize the most important aspects of the current section. For arabic plural