We talked about the structure of a nominal sentence here.
The verb ليس negates a nominal sentence and is one of the verbs belonging to the كان وأَخَوَاتها, which we will discuss in future lessons. However, to give a preview, we can say:
For example:
لَـيْسَ الطَّالِبُ نَشِيــطًا The student is not active
لَـيْسَ الـمَاءُ بَارِدًا The water is not cold
The verb ليس can also be used with the particle ب, for example:
لَـيْسَ الطَّالِبُ بِــنَشِيــطٍ The student is not active
One of the particles that negates a nominal sentence can be لا النَّافِيَة لِلْجِنْسِ
لا طَالِــبَ نَشِيــطٌ The student is not active
لا شَـجَرَةَ طويلــةٌ The tree is not tall
When negating a nominal sentence using the particle ما, it is grammatically preferable to use it in a manner analogous to the verb ليس.
However, it is also grammatically permissible to retain the original structure of the sentence without any alterations. For example:
ما الطّالــبُ نَشيــطًا The student is not active
ما الطّالــبُ بِــنَشيــطٍ The student is not active
ما الطّالبُ نَشيــطٌ The student is not active
Another particle, لا, can negate a nominal sentence, but with a condition: the negation must be repeated.
لا الأرضُ قاحلةٌ ولا جافَّة The earth is neither barren nor dry
لا الـجُمْهُورُ قَلِيلٌ ولا الـمَلْعَبُ مُتَّسِعٌ The crowd is not small, nor is the stadium spacious enough
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