In Arabic, you can negate past tense verbs using the particles ما or لا.
The simplest and most common way to negate past tense verbs is by using the particle ما
ما قَتَلَ القِطُّ الطَّائِرَ The cat did not kill the bird
ما كَسَرَ خالدٌ الهاتفَ Khalid did not break the phone
To negate a past tense verb using the particle لا, one of three conditions must be met:
The particle لا can be used if there is already a negation in the sentence.
مَا كَتَبْتُ الدرسَ ولا حَفِظتُهُ I did not write the lesson nor did I memorize it
The particle لا can be used if it is repeated.
لا أَكَـلْتُ التفاحةَ ولا شَرِبْتُ العَصِيرَ I did not eat the apple and I did not drink the juice
If the particle لا is used in a supplication.
لا سَلَّطَ اللهُ عَلَــيْــنَا ظَالِـمًا May Allah not give power over us to the oppressor
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