Examples الفِعْلُ المَاضِي

شَرِبْــتُ الـمَاء السَّاخِن I drank hot water

جَلَسْــنَا في الـحَدِيقَةِ We sat in the garden

ذَهَبْــتَ إلى الـمَدْرَسَةِ You went to the school

مَاذَا أَكَـلْــتِ اليَوْم؟ ?What did you eat today

جَاءَ الرَّجُلُ مَعَ امْرَأَةٍ The man came with a woman

شَرِبَ العَسْكَرِيُّ اللَّبَن The soldier drank milk

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