Relative nouns (الأَسْمَاءُ المَوْصُولَة) are linking words followed by additional, clarifying information.
For example: "The man who...", "The woman who...".
دَخَلَ الذي قَفَزَ على السَّوْرِ The one who jumped over the wall entered (Entered who jumped on the wall)
They are always in a state of definiteness (المعرفة)
الذِي Who or That or Which (male)
الـتِـي Who or That or Which (female)
الذِينَ Who or That (plural)
You will also come across other relative nouns (أسماء الموصولة) in the following lessons
السَّيَارَةُ التي رَأَيْـتُــها جديدة The car that I saw is new
الذينَ آمَنُوا وعَـمَـلُـوا الـصَّالِـحَات Who believe and do righteous deeds
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