Demonstrative pronouns are words that serve to identify objects, entities, or places by pointing to their relative distance from the speaker.
We have already encountered some of the demonstrative pronouns in this article (هذا) and in this one (ذلك).
هَذا بَـيْتٌ This is a house
الـهَاتِفُ هُنَا The phone is here
هَذَا This
هَذِهِ This
For both (male, female)
هَؤُلاءِ These
In the Arabic language, such names are called:
أَسْـمَاءُ الإِشَارَةِ لِـلْقَرِيبِ Demonstrative pronouns for near distances
ذَاك That
ذَلكَ That
تِلْكَ That
For both (male and female)
أُولَئِكَ Those
In the Arabic language, such names are called:
أَسْـمَاءُ الإِشَارَةِ لِلْبَعِيد Demonstrative pronouns for far distances
Demonstrative pronouns for far distance
هُنَا Here
Demonstrative pronouns for near distances
هُنَاكَ There
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