We start learning Arabic right away with practice and memorizing the rules, then we will analyze them step by step. We use various grammar textbooks as a basis.
Learn Arabic from the ground up with this comprehensive Arabic grammar handbook. Nominal sentences, pronouns, idafah, arabic verb patterns (breeds) and more
Parts of speech in Arabic is a topic that describes which group a particular word belongs to. There are three main groups: noun (اسم), verb (فعل) particle (حرف)
Practice of the Arabic language, parts of speech. In the Arabic language, there are only three parts of speech, in this lesson we will practice them
Practice of the Arabic language, parts of speech. In the Arabic language, there are only three parts of speech: noun, verb and participate
Definite nouns (المَعْرِفَة) refer to specific things that are known to the speaker and listener. Indefinite nouns refer to general things that are not known.
Arabic definite and indefinite nouns are similar to those in English. To make a noun definite, add the prefix ال (al-).
In this lesson, pay attention to how the definite article (ال) is used with lunar and solar letters (الحروفُ القمريةُ والشمسيةُ).
Arabic pronouns (الضمائر) are divided into two types: detached and attached. They can be written independently or attached to the word.
In this lesson, we will practice using Detached Pronouns (الضمائر المنفصلة), such as I (أنا), you (أنت), she (هي), he (هو), they (هم), and other
Nominal Sentence in Arabic: Construction Rule, its structure and Examples. Its consists of two main components: Subject (المبتدأ) and Predicate (الخَبَرُ)
In this lesson, we will practice nominal sentences (الجُمْلَةُ الاِسْمِيَّةُ). For example: الـمُهَنْدِسُ مَاهِرٌ. The engineer is skilled
In this exercise, we will practice detached pronouns (الضمائر المنفصلة) and nominal sentences (الجملة الاسمية). For example: هو كبير (He is big)
Demonstrative pronouns are words that serve to identify objects, entities, or places by pointing to their relative distance from the speaker
In the lesson we will look at how to ask and answer a question in Arabic, and how to point to an object using the demonstrative name "This" (هَذَا)
The Arabic demonstrative pronouns ذَلِكَ is among the most common and easily memorized word, making it essential building block for Arabic vocabulary
Practice of demonstrative pronouns (أَسْمَاءُ الِإشَارَةِ) in Arabic, such as: هَذَا (this), هَذِهِ (this), ذَلِكَ (that), هُنَا (here), هُنَاكَ (there)
Concise grammar notes from the covered section to facilitate note-taking. The notes summarize the most important aspects of the current section.