Questions and الفِعْلُ المَاضِي


لِـماذا ذَهبــتِ؟

How did you go?

Why did you go?

أينَ جَلَسْــتَ؟

When did you sit?

Where did you sit?


Where did you go?

إلى أينَ ذَهَبْــتَ؟

مِن أينَ أَتَـيْــتَ؟

ماذا رَأَيْــتِ هناكَ؟

What did you see there?

When did you see that?

يا مريمُ ماذا دَرَسْــتِ في الـمَدْرَسَةِ اليومَ؟ ?Maryam, what did you study at school today



مِنْ أينَ عَرفْــتَ هذا؟

Where did you find out this?

Where did I find out this?

إلى أينَ ذَهَـبْــتِ؟

Where did you go?

Where did I go?

كَمْ مِنَ الوَقتِ جَلسْــتَ هنا؟

How long have you been sitting here?

How long has he been sitting here?

متى رَجَعْــتَ؟

When did he return?

When did you return?

كَيْفَ وَصَلْــتِ؟

How did I arrive?

How did you arrive?

Where did they arrive from?

مِنْ أينَ وَصَلُوا؟

مِنْ أينَ هم؟


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