Practice الفِعْلُ المُضَعَّفُ

فَــعَــلَ يَـفْــعُــلُ اُفْــعُــلْ

Past - Present - Imperative

حَــجَّ - يَــحُــجُّ - حُــجَّ اُحْــجُــجْ

حَـجَّ الـمُسْلِمُ البَيْتَ الحَرَامَ The Muslim performed the pilgrimage to the sacred house

عَــدَّ - يَــعُــدُّ - عُــدَّ / اُعْــدُدْ

يَعُدُّ الرَّجُلُ النُّقُودَ The man is counting the money

مَــدَّ - يَــمُــدُّ - مُــدَّ / اُمْــدُدْ

يَـمُدُّ الرَّجُلُ يَدَهُ لِيُسُاعِدَ صَدِيقَهُ The man extends his hand to help his friend

The verb سَاعَدَ is a verb of the third pattern. We will discuss verb patterns in another section of the project, so please skip this for now

رَدَّ - يَــرُدُّ - رُدَّ / اُرْدُدْ

يَـرُدُّ الوَلَدُ الطَّعَامَ The child is refusing the foodيَـرْفُضُ to refuse or to rejectلا يُـرِيدُ doesn't want

صَــدَّ - يَــصُــدُّ - صُــدَّ اُصْــدُدْ

يَصُدُّ الحَارِسُ الكُرَةَ The goalkeeper blocks the ball

سَــدَّ - يَــسُــدُّ - سُــدَّ / اُسْــدُدْ

يَسُدُّ الرَّجُلُ أُذَنَهُ The man is plugging his ear

هَــدَّ - يَــهُــدُّ - هُــدَّ / اُهْــدُدْ

يَـهُدُّ الرَّجُلَانِ الجدارَ The two men are demolishing the walll

حَــدَّ - يَــحُــدُّ - حُــدَّ / اُحْــدُدْ

يَـحُدُّ الرَّجُلُ السِّكِينَ The man is sharpening the knife


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