How to ask: "Do you have..?" (هل لَدَيْكَ)

🧐 Question

When we want to ask “Do you have ...?” / "Does he have...?", and hear the answer "Yes" or “No”, then the following constructions are most popular:
هَــل عِــنْــدَكَ ...؟ Do you have
هَــل لَــكَ ...؟ Do you have
هــل لَــدَيْــكَ ...؟ Do you have
If we ask for the female gender, we use the pronoun كِ
هَل لَــكِ ..؟ ?..Do you have
In the same way other pronouns:
هَل لَــه ..؟?..Does he have
هَل لَــكُم ..؟ ?..Do you (plural) have
You can use either the interrogative hamza أ or هل
هَــــل عِـنْـدَكَ سَيَارَةٌ يا أخي؟ ?Do you have a car, brother
ألَـــكِ قَـلَـمٌ يا أُخْـتِـي؟ ?Do you have a pen, my sister
أ لَدَيْـكُمْ سِلَاحٌ؟ ?Do you have a weapon

Affirmative answer ✅

نعم, عِنْدِي سيارةٌ واحدةٌ Yes, I have one car
نعم, لِــي قلمٌ Yes, I have a pen
نعم, لَدَيَّ سِلاحٌ Yes, I have a weapon

Negative answer ❌

لا, ما عِنْدِي سيارةٌ No, I don't have a car
لا, ما لِــي قلمٌ, لكِن حامد لَديهِ No, I don't have a pen, but Hamed does
لا, ما لدَيَّ سلاحٌ No, I don't have a weapon

هَلْ لَــكَ سِرٌّ عِنْدَ اللهِ.. Do you have a secret with Allah? (Known only to Allah)


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