How to ask: "Whose?" (لِـمَنْ؟)


The word لِـمَنْ consists of the preposition لِ (belongs) and the question مَنْ (who)

لِ + مَنْ = لِــمَنْ

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لِـمَنْ تِلْكَ الـجَرِيدَةُ؟ ?Who owns that newspaper

لِـي Me

لا أَدْرِي I don't know

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لِــمَنْ هَذِهِ السَّيَارَةُ؟ ?Who owns this car

هي لِــمُديــرٌ

هي لِــمُدِيــرٍ

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Do you have a pencil?

نعم, لي سَيَارةٌ Yes, I have a car

نعم, لِي قلمٌ Yes, I have a pencil

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Does he have a wallet?

نَعَمْ, لَــها مِـحْفَظَةٌ Yes, she has a wallet

نَعَمْ, لَــهُ مِـحْفَظَةٌ Yes he has a wallet

لِـمَنْ هذا القلم؟ ?Who owns this pen

هذا القلم لِـخَالِــدٍ

لا أدري

لِـمَنْ هذه؟ ?Whose is this



هذه الأقلامُ لِــلمُدرِّسِ These pens belong to the teacher

هَلْ لَــكَ قَـلَـمٌ؟ ?Do you have a penنَعَمْ, لِــي قَلَمٌ Yes I have a penلا, لَـيْسَ لِــي قَلَمٌ No, I don't have a pen
Pay attention to the negative answer, in it we used the verb لَـيْسَ (negation) for the masculine gender. For the feminine gender it will be لَـيْسَتْ (everything is the same as in an ordinary verb)

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هَلْ لَكَ كِـتَابٌ ?Do you have a book

نعم, لي كِتَابٌYes I have a book

لا, لَـيْسَ لِي كِـتَابٌ No, I don't have a book

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هَلْ لَكُمْ سَيَارةٌ؟ ?Do you have a car

نعم, لَــنَا سيارةٌ Yes we have a car

لا, لَـيْسَ لِـــي سيارةٌ No, I don't have a car

لا, لَـيْسَتْ لَــنا سيارةٌ No, we don't have a car

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هَلْ لَكَ أخٌ؟ ?Do you have a brother

لا, لَـيْسَ لي أخٌ No, I don't have a brother

نعم, لِي أخٌ وِاحِدٌ Yes, I have one brother

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هَلْ لَكَ أُخْتٌ؟ ?Do you have a sister

لا لَـيْسَ لِي أخْتٌ

لا لَـيْسَتْ لي أختٌ No, I don't have a sister

هَلْ لَــكَ سِلاحٌ؟ ?Do you have a weapon

لَيْسَ لِــي سِلاحٌ, لا مُسَدَّسٌ, ولا سِكِّينٌ I have no weapons, no pistol, no knife

هَلْ لَــكِ حَقِيبَةٌ يا مَرْيَم؟ ?Do you have a briefcase

لَـيْسَتْ لِي حَقِيبَةٌ, لا قَدِيمٌ, ولا جَدِيدٌ I don't have a briefcase, neither old nor new

ﷺ: قولوا: اللهمَ لَــكَ الـحَمْدُ وإليكَ الـمُشتكَى وأنتَ الـمُسْتَعَان O Allah, to You is all praise and to You is our complaint, and You are the source of help

When we thank people we use the word الشُكْر, such as شُكرًا or أَشْكُرُكَ, but for Allah we use the word الحَمْد, such as in Surah Fatiha الـحَمْدُ للهِ


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